Saturday, May 15, 2010

AP testing galour

As I write this, I'm waiting for my laptop to recharge so I can go outside and work some more on a couple of papers. But luckily the dreaded AP testing sequence is over. I was ready to take 5 this year but ended up only taking the BC Calc, English Language and Composition, US History, and Computer Science tests. 20 hours with the same proctors got a little annoying, but other than that the tests went fine. Hopefully I'll be getting positive tests scores and other such things needed to get into college. I'm on homework blitz this weekend, not climbing, skiing, or anything else so I can take 7 days off of school to climb, kayak, and relax. More details on that coming soon.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

climbing season

I'll be trying to post new news, routes, and such as they come up, but probably won't end up putting up any routes you can't find in the guidebooks.
First real trip this season was april 24-26 to Vantage, WA. A couple 5.9 leads, some easy climbs, and a lot of teaching. It was fun to watch some suspect tents blow 20 feet in the air with high winds, and a trickle of girls run to retrieve their belongings. Basalt makes a great medium for photography, and when combined with lichen brings a sense of life and death to the landscape.