Wednesday, February 29, 2012


We've had some interesting weather recently. Yesterday, a perfect spring-conditions powder and crust ski at Prospect just enough cover to for Aubrey to classic along with 1.5 trillion Bill Koch league kids. Today, a snowstorm that should coat Williamstown with a foot for the first time since October. Next week, temperatures in the mid-50s and sunny.
I always thought mountain weather was something limited to the Cascades, Rockies, and Alaska Range, but Greylock has proved otherwise. The road is rideable, but not when coated with a freak 2 inches of ice that magically appears some days.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Williams Semester 2 2011-2012

A shout out to the awesome professors I have right now:
J albrecht for data structures and algorithm design
D Tucker-Smith for math methods for physics
E Kolbert for nature writing
P Kohler for environmental policy

You make Williams the best!

When I left Garfield, I was a little bit afraid of heading to a college almost smaller than my high school. But the size of Williams has somehow turned out to be one of my favorite things, both in terms of professor relationships and classmate continuity into everyday life and other classes.