Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Dry falls and memories of Irene

Last year, around this time, New England was receiving the remnants of tropical depressions, recovering from Irene, and heating up fast. Trails were muddy, rocks wet and slick, t-shirts always soaked in sweat. I sat in misery on the 4th floor, the heat of 4 floors below creeping up.

So far this year, we've only had one real fall rain, a couple showers, and a lot of beautiful days. While a run doesn't have quite the same umph to it when roots and rocks are dry, the beauty and coloration of a legitimate New England fall bring an equal distraction. We're just getting into the reds after a brief glimpse of yellow high-up, and soon official ski practices will start and hopefully snow will follow (though from the the snow gods we've already learned that Telluride and Park City got a nice dump this morning). Williams College officially turned on the heating plant this morning, and hall mates have started to complain about the influx of cold air from under my door. A bear head graces our living room, and a vintage Monoplane radio-flyer-eqsue sled wishes for a trip outside.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

A little slideshow

     I'm still working to piece together a multimedia presentation from a couple trips this summer, but while thinking about what'll be included and how a number of complicated themes will be expressed, I've put together a few photos from the trip- just 5 minutes of your time, please.
    My idea was to give a simple photographic description of the journey and roads- no people or animals for the most part, as I chose to focus the presentation on the landscape and environment rather than the people (who are interesting and deserve their own profiles).
   There are fields, plantations, lots of roads and paths, beaches, forests, towns, courts- a taste of what its like to ride through the rural South as well as more developed portions of the gulf. Pictures are in chronological order, start to finish.
   My next big trip will likely be spring/ summer 2013 to Kazakstan, Krygystan, and Tajikistan. Looking for partners, sponsors, advice...
So here it is, sans audio narration...