Saturday, October 8, 2011

First impressions of Williams

So far, Williams College is even better than I could have wished for. I doubted a bit whether we'd make it in time due to Irene, but after a several hour detour from the Albany airport (which is one of the best, easiest to navigate, and friendliest airports in the US) my parents and I made it to Williams. It hasn't been a typical New England fall weather-wise, but as I'm writing this we're in the middle of a full week of sun, a first in the last month or more. Ski training remains of good quality, with regular weight sessions and roller skis twice per day.
The workload class wise is relatively large, but not impossible to handle. Africana studies 211, Race and the Environment, continues to be one of my favorite classes. The discussions are invigorating, stimulating, and are of a much higher level thought-wise than any class I've had before. Though I miss my HP notebook a bit, the switch to a Macbook has been nice, as no one looks weird staying up writing with one at 2 am.
So far I've made it to Stratton, VT and some small organic and dairy farms (as part of Art History 201). My hope is to head into Boston and New York in the next few months, and maybe go back to Seattle for two weeks at Christmas.