Tuesday, May 8, 2012

My mindset when traveling

Thanks to Steve Miranda, one of the coolest journalism teachers on earth, I was once again alerted to this article: http://theamericanscholar.org/the-disadvantages-of-an-elite-education/.
Yes, I did, for a period of several months, consider going to an Ivy League school. And yes, I do go to Williams College, which for some reason or another is often ranked as the top college in the nation. I had a lot of personal dilemmas deciding to go to the sort of school that Williams is, and have debated about how to remedy the experience.
One of those ways that I've found most helpful is to travel and volunteer with no specific college acceptance or career ideals in mind. No, I don't mean an I-banking internship or researching in a lab. I mean learning about places, talking to locals, studying what make people make up a place. If I appear to be adopting some sort of Ivy-league personality, please shut me down. Or see me wearing a polo.

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