Sunday, May 20, 2012

Prisons and pines from jacksonville to high springs.

First real day of riding today, 120+- miles from Jacksonville to High Springs. Up before the heat started, ready and good to go with bike, panniers, and food. Took a 14 mile bike trail from outside of Jacksonville to Baldwin, lots of mornins and questions.
Passed 2 dozen dead snakes, a raccoon, part of a bator, and a few abandoned bike cables. Sort of like pitons indicate a climb, cables and tubes indicate a bike route.
Prisons galore, plus recreational facilities and prison factories. Most be a dearth of license plates. Passed more pines than imaginable, chased by dogs, and ate some darn good fried chicken at an IGA in Lake Butler.
Feeling a bit outside of the norm right now at a cave diving masterminds' home, complete with yurt, bike deck, and chickens.
Tomorrow will be a trip to Monticello through what Rob says is land with more cows than people, kinda like Harney County, OR.
The land is flat, sun is hot, and soda feels so nice. I decided at the gas station I stopped at in Aculpua that each day will bring a new brand of soda label into my bags. I hope the south has a lot of good citrus flavours.


  1. Yay Ben! Sam and I are both reading your blog while skyping. Don't die! And we would appreciate any souvenirs you can bring back to Gladden. And Sam says don't cross the border (that's part of the whole not dying thing)

  2. Hey, Ben. Sounds like you are taking in bunches of information. Kind of like bloomin' while zoomin'.
    Just came back from Delany for two days of subbing before returning to D-School. Whitney has done an outstanding job of organizing, but as always, first session is filled with glitches. Anna Savoie is doing rock this session. Tom Unger fell and broke his collar bone. Not good!
    Went on the kayak run yesterday and out with Ms. Burton who came this session. NICE! Will be glad to go back although they are having some rain. Nothing like Seattle though. It just poured during lunch - more like Illinois than Seattle. I'll keep checking up on you. Cycle safe!
